BHW Crew = Earth Day at Small Dog
Crew from Big Heavy volunteered at the big computer drop-off event at Small Dog in South Burlington Saturday April 21 - people brought every kind of electronics for recycling, courtesy Small Dog and done by Good Point Recycling in Middlebury. The stuff would either get sent out to be repurposed (monitors go to China and get turned into TV's) or disassembled to re-use the metals inside. Spent the day helping people unload their cars, then putting everything into the trucks. We loaded five trucks, two of them tractor-trailors starting at 8:30am, and got done around 1am the next morning.
Above: Nick Chason & Micah Harford.
Above: Anais Roy.
Above: Matt Kiedaisch (Small Dog), Geoff Leyden, and Small Dog crew.
Above: The beautiful mess we loaded and recycled with Small Dog, Good Point, and CSWD.