CREW JOB: Sponsorship Marketing Asst.

CREW JOB: Sponsorship Marketing Asst.(Ongoing, Multiple Positions)

Prerequisites: Self-confidence, interest in traditional and guerrilla marketing concepts, personable phone manner, 'Net savvy, affinity for grass-roots level community participation.

Description: Assist in securing financial sponsorship of various Big Heavy World projects including the Web site, printed mail-order catalog, live showcase events, and large-scale mailings. Determine which businesses might entertain a sponsor relation (via their perceived demographic and positioning interests) and pursue their support.

Practical Objective: Participate in generating the operating funds of the Big Heavy World enterprise.


Big Heavy World has been promoting and archiving the Burlington music scene since 1996. Our existence and success is due to participation by volunteers and interns who share our extreme enthusiasm; we simply wouldn't exist without their support.

Our internship program allows a greater level of freedom and creativity than one might expect, but also demands a high level of responsibility and dedication to each mission. As a supervised work experience for academic credit, Big Heavy World internships guarantee personal and professional development.

Contact James Lockridge at (802) 865-1140 for more information.