In the Mix with Rob Psychotrope

In The Mix is an ongoing column dedicated to the exploration and exposure of electronic based music and DJ culture happenings in the state of Vermont and it’s surrounding territories. I always wecome exposing new artists and events so please contact us with any pertinent information. Send any recorded submissions for review to, Max Mix Imports 108 Church St. #8, Burlington, VT 05401 c/o Rob Psychotrope. Submit all other requests to or call me at 802-651-0722. What’s happpening folks? I’m back and that’s a fact so let’s take a crack at this. We have a very special treat for you in this issue of In The Mix. I had a chance to sit down and speak with the enigma known as Michael Michael. Based in Charlotte, Vermont he has manifested himself in Third Eye Productions, Electromagnetic Field, Sonic Bionic, and Machine Soul. Michael is a producer, and he has recently turned dance band Electromagnetic Field into reality. Let’s do this!

RP: How did you get involved in electronic based music?

MM: I was a drummer in the band Zero Defects. We released an album and toured. One day I decided to shift my focus and sold everything I had for a drum machine and a keyboard. I then purchased a mini moog and have been writing electronic grooves ever since.

RP: Where did this change in direction lead you?

MM: It led me to underground electronic bands, touring the country, working in many great studios, and opening Chicago Music Complex. The music complex was Chi Town’s largest recording and rehearsal facility at the time. I created the band Machine Soul and released two compact discs with this project. I also composed film scores and worked as the musical director for fashion shows.

RP: What brought you to Vermont?

MM: I came here to relax but I never did. Things are more chill here but the music keeps me very busy. I love that energy.

RP: What has happened since you have been here?

MM: I co-founded Third Eye Productions and we emerged doing dance events and art openings. We’ve worked with the jazz cats from the band Saudade, produced the Sonic Bionic CD, and put together a musical benefit for the Rhombus Gallery. I’ve been keeping myself busy.

RP: So tell us about your current project, Electromagnetic Field.

MM: It’s the bam!!! The best as far as I’m concerned when it comes to projects I’ve worked on. I’ve stretched my imagination to new limits manipulating electricity. A lot of tweaking and simple grooves that make you move. It’s funky, it’s world, it’s a positive energy. It’s a vibration and the vibrations come from the soul.

RP: Who is Electromagnetic Field?

MM: Michael Michael, Rob Psychotrope, and Miss Jenny K. Three humans singing, dancing, and jamming with an unlimited supply of instrumentation.

RP: From where does all of the instrumentation come?

MM: My studio is geared for recording film scores. With the technology available today the library of sounds is virtually endless. I work with a lot of digital and analog instruments. I have been creating grooves and soundscapes for an eternity.

RP: Do you sample any of your grooves?

MM: No I do not. I use sampling for electronic textures, grabbing a cool vocal, or reversing a sound.

RP: Will there be anything released anytime soon by Electromagnetic Field?

MM: We are about 80% done recording our first CD right now. Hopefully it will not take that long. We are now concentrating our energy on rehearsing the live showcase.

RP: When do you believe the live showcase will be ready?

MM: The universe says soon come. Our live show is quite a production itself. Electronic music, percussion, vocals and movement make up the basis of the performance. This is then enhanced by an elaborate light show. We are now getting the chops down and I believe everyone will be pleasantly surprised. It will be very entertaining, leaning toward performance art with a funky twist. The music is not harsh or soft, it’s dynamic and interesting. People will enjoy.

RP: Whazt are your plans for Electromagnetic Field?

MM: We will produce CD’s and videos, tour, and move on to the next level. RP: What is the next level for Electromagnetic Field?

MM: To keep stretching the imagination and expanding the horizons. We will continue to make music while enjoying ourselves. It’s all a vibe.

Before I leave you folks and wander along I have a few more morsels of delightfully delicious information to share. On the home front we have a hot EP on the way, new club owners, and a few new events happening.

Craig Mitchell of the Orange Factory has been working in conjunction with Jeremy Skaller and Rob Stevens to put together a smokin’ EP. Skaller of Belizbeha fame and Stevens who has worked with names like the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sugar Ray, Yoko Ono, Herbie Hancock & Afrika Bambaata team up here to produce a handful of smooth R&B tracks. One of the songs is a cover of a Staple Singers tune called “Let’s Do It Again.” The EP will be shopped by Rob Stevens and As One Management.

On the club scene we have a changing of hands on the horizon. Our friendly neighborhood owners of the Red Square are buying Club Metronome. Word has it that they will retain Martin and Mitchell and I am interested to see what the boys do with the interior of the club. I do like the stylistic flair of the Red Square so my hopes are high for the converted Metronome.

A handful of new events have emerged recently to brighten our nightlife. At the Metronome DJ Aqua presents Sunday Night Mass which features some of B-Town’s best known and unknown DJ talent. Come downtown and check it out for yourself. This is becoming a hot event. Right around the corner at Club Extreme, Craig Mitchell brings us Liquid Tuesdays. If you desire to hear the thumping sound of Mitchell and a guest DJ every week enhanced by the best light show in Burlington, mosey your butt on down to Extreme for a night of rump shaking.

That’s all folks!

Rob Psychotrope is a DJ, Musician, and Producer based in Burlington, VT.