Big Heavy World - Music - Vermont

Stream The Radiator

Preserving and Promoting Vermont made music since 1996

news from H.Q.


Rocket Shop: A local music Radio show & Podcast

Big Heavy World’s weekly local music radio show is also a podcast! Tune in to our stream Wednesday nights 8-9pm for local music interviews and performances or subscribe!


The 242 Main Resource Center

Burlington’s historic teen-led all-ages cultural space needs you. Find info, actions, history, and vision here.


Current Projects


No Stage Diving: The Story of 242 Main, a Documentary

For more than 30 years, 242 Main was a gathering spot for the youth of northwestern Vermont. Funded by the City of Burlington (begun during the Bernie Sanders Mayoral administration), 242 provided a haven for young misfits and fans of underground music. It was part music venue, part musician proving ground, and part teen drop-in center. With programming driven by teens, it became America’s longest-running all-ages punk rock venue and a sanctuary anchored in the hearts of thousands. No Stage Diving: The Story of 242 Main celebrates the history and legacy of this historic venue, and, in the words of those whose lives were touched by it, explores what the space meant to the community it served.


Vermont-based musicians and everyone else!): You can freely borrow a very good quality RØDE USB microphone from any public library in Vermont, and from Big Heavy World headquarters in Burlington. Learn more!

the VT Music sector Survey results!

With funding from a Rural Business Development Grant from USDA Rural Development and supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, the volunteers of Big Heavy World surveyed Vermont’s music industry. Working with international consulting firm Sound Diplomacy to analyze the results, we learned a lot and share all of this data and analysis here.

vermont music far & wide: a music history exhibit

Visit Big Heavy World for a new tiny museum full of Vermont’s music history: Artifacts, images and interactions reveal how music is an art form, a catalyst for community-building, and a contributor to the state’s economy.

‘Vermont Music Far & Wide,’ has been honored with the 2019 League of Local Historical Societies & Museums (LLHSM) Award of Excellence in Exhibitions/Public Programs.

‘Vermont Music Far & Wide,’ was honored with the 2019 League of Local Historical Societies & Museums (LLHSM) Award of Excellence in Exhibitions/Public Programs.


Music law with attorney cindy hill

Cindy Hill is both a lawyer and musician, sharing law wisdom with Vermont musicians. Visit the full blog.